Setting up Server Companion
Setting up the Server Companion to secure your community is simple.
- Invite the bot using this link:
- Go into the server settings > roles and drag the Server Companion to the top of the list.
- Create a private channel called automod, give the Server Companion permission to access that channel, this is where all auto moderation logs are posted.
You are now set to start using the Server Companion to protect your community.
Needed permissions:
- Ban Members
- Embed Links
- Kick Members
- Read Messages
- Manage Channels
- Read message history
- Send message
- Use Slash Commands
- Send Messages in threads
- Manage messages
Or you can just give administrator permissions.
Some of these roles are enabled for plugins that are planned for 2025 and onwards, if enabled they will be seamlessly integrated into your communities when released.
Command options: /feedback
*The feedback command is available to server admins to give general feedback, issues and bug reporting and to request features.
Community Safe Plugin
This is our flagship plugin, we have a list of currently used Discord server invites URLs and keyword/phrases that are used to scam your community members, this plugin searches new and edited messages for these URLs and keywords/phrases and if found they then ban the member that post’s them, there userID is then saved to our list of known userID’s that are known for scamming and if that user tries to join a discord community using our app then they are rejected and banned from that community ensuring that they have not been granted access to your community to perform their malicious actions.
Security Message
When a new member join’s you’re community a message is automatically sent to the new member advising on how to prevent been scammed whilst using discord, this message is designed to educate individuals using discord, on the dangers and the methods malicious users are using the platform to scam, phish and deliver malware and gives general advise to make themselves and there discord account more secure.
Custom Scam Plugin
Not all URL’s are bad, take for instance discord invite scam’s use the same URL for legitimate communities as well as the scamming communities this means that you might not want to ban all discord server invites for your community.
Another example would be, a reddit post may miss-lead members into signing up or registering to an external site that is used by scammers, you may want to block the URL to the post with a given keyword or phrase.
With this plugin you set the URL that you want to ban and add a keyword or phrase, the plugin will look for that URL and when found it will look for a custom Keyword that you have set, if found the message will be deleted and a message posted to the automod channel with action taken and the userID of the message creator.
To add a URL and or keyword:
/customscam add <URL> and or <keyword>
The plugin works by finding a URL in a new message and then looking through the list of keywords.
Command options: /customscan <add>/<delete>/<list>
Auto Responder
Auto responders allow you to cut down on the amount of time your answering repeated question, they also allow you to give information to your community when they type a keyword.
A member wants help with a software that you provide and they get “monitor failed” error message indicating there is a NAT issue.
member: Why does is say monitor failed?
Bot: The status monitor failed indicates that there is a NAT issue, a possible solution would be to manually port forward or set the UPNP setting’s in the setting tab.
The auto responder looks for a sentence with a question mark at the end and then matches a keyword or phrase that you have answered.
To set this up you would add a auto responder.
/autoresponder add <question> <answer>
Command options: /autoresponder add/delete/list
URL Blocker
At the time of writing we hold over 800,000 known malicious URL’s in our database, our partners are actively maintaining and updating this list several times a day so it is always kept updated.
- Porn – site of an adult nature.
- Scam sites – websites designed to scam.
- Phishing sites – sites that try to get your information.
- Redirect – redirects from intended sites.
- Abuse – sites created to deceive.
- Fraud – known sites created to defraud.
Spam Detection
The scam detection plugin is simple and fast, it detects duplicate messages across channels if found then the member will be reminded of community rules and not to spam as it can lead to a ban from your community, if they persist they will be banned.
The current settings are 3 messages within 3 seconds to detect duplicate messages.
Update soon:
We will be updating this plugin so you can set your own xx number of messages to trigger the plugin within xx seconds.
also an implementation of instances they are warned and muted, then banned all customizable by you.
Profanity filter
We currently have over 800 words and phrases to combat adult related words and bullying in a community.
Any messages containing offensive words or phrases will be deleted and a DM warning sent to the member about community rules and been family friendly.
We understand that people sometimes may get upset or irritated so we give them 5 chances to stop posting abusive or offensive messages, if they continue to post these type of messages then at 5 or more posts then they will be banned, with a DM stating why they where banned and to contact an admin to appeal the ban
Update soon:
You will soon be able to customize the number of infractions, time period to check for infractions against community rules before the infractions count is reset.
Also we are implementing custom actions to take i.e. 3 infractions – mute for 1hr, 5 infractions – temporary ban for xx hr’s, 8 infractions – ban.
Giving Feedback
We make giving feedback so simple, you can do it through the discord client using our slash command.
- General Feedback
- Request a feature/plugin
- Report a bug or issue
Simply use the slash command /feedback and we will get receive it instantly.
Command options: /feedback
*When requesting a feature or plugin give detailed example of what you want it to do, do you want to access it through slash commands ect.
Testing Phase
Social Media Notifications
You can get social media notifications for the following platforms:
- YouTube
Get notifications when a subscribed channel goes live or posts a new video. - Twitch
Get notifications when a subscribed user goes live or posts a new video.
To set up for notifications.
/social add <platform> <identifier>
/social set_channel <platform> <channel>
/social list
/social delete <platform> <identifier>
Setup Channel for the notifications:
/social set_channel YouTube YouTube_videos
Example Usage for Twitch
Add the Subscription: Use the username as the identifier in your command.
Go to the Streamer’s Page: Visit the Twitch streamer’s page, for example:
Identify the Username: The username is the part of the URL after
. For example, in the URL
, the username is ninja
/social add platform=Twitch identifier=ninja
To setup YouTube notifications:
Finding the Correct Channel ID
To find the correct channel ID, follow these steps:
The part after "channelId":"
and before the next "
is the unique channel ID.
Visit the YouTube Channel: Go to the channel page: TopHitsMusic-WMS.
Right-click and View Page Source:
Right-click on the page and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl+U
(Windows) / Cmd+Option+U
Search for "channelId"
in the page source. You can usually do this by pressing Ctrl+F
(Windows) / Cmd+F
(Mac) and typing "channelId"
Locate the Channel ID:
Look for a line like "channelId":"UCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
/social add Youtube UCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
More features coming soon
We are committed to our app and your communities and as such we are are adding more features to enable you gain more control and automation to interact with you’re community as such we are always open to suggestions for requested features.
We want you to grow and develop our app to cover the most entertaining and to be the go to app to secure your communities.